Thursday, October 30, 2008
Halloween in Frisco!...Part 1
I had evening shift tonight (Thursday 30th) and I also have it tomorrow night (Friday October 31st Halloween Night :D ). And well i left my halloween costume extremely late...i just got it tonight...i left work at around 8 ... waited for about 20 mins on the to Van Ness where i would rush to walgreens and get some sort of costume before it closed at 9...8:45 im racing up van ness to get to walgreens to get this last make up pack on the shelf ... SUCCESS :) so its this ice make up...was only 6 bucks... cheap compared to what you would pay at halloween should look the moment we're goin to halloween at the castro...however its not at castro. Last year they closed it for some crazy reason...but its in ATT Park thats where we are'll be crazy coming home from work tomorrow night...the calls will be transfered to my cellphone and i'll be getting ready...hopefully the phones aren't that until then :)
Monday, October 27, 2008
Farewell Ali

Ali, a work colleague...has returned to Turkey :( ... hes a legend...i'll miss him so much...i learned alot from that guy...not only work a person...WOW! He's got ALOT of knowledge in his head...what's worse is he knows more about my own country than I do! He was a cool guy. He introduced me to Cafe Trieste...the amazing little cafe in North Beach

Tesekkür ederim Ali (Thank you - Ugh I could never say it LOL)
9:48 PM
A La Turca,
Cafe Trieste,
North Beach,

Monday, October 20, 2008
Farewell Karyne
So yesterday my dear friend Karyne had a farewell party. She's going back home to Brazil. She came out for my 21st and I love that she was a part of it. She is the coolest ever...I'm going to miss her so much so Cheers Karyne! I forget the Portuguese word for Cheers so... We were spose to have her party in Golden Gate Park but it was too
cold so we went to Vantaggio O'Farrell, (where my crib used to be) it was fun. Diogo was there and Mariana came later. I met loadssa other people too ... it was fun...they made hot dogs...and Brazilians crush crisps (chips for my american readers) over the hot dog? YUMMY t'was good. Then the Brazilian music started...of course they had me up dancing...or making a brave attempt at it! 'Just samba, Just Samba' HAHA good one! Anyway like I said, it was sad to say goodbyes...i'll never forget her...she's a legend :)

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Red Bull Soap Box Derby
Well the weekend landed :D ...then took off again :( I went out to a bar on Friday...had a few drinks and a boogie...not too drunk though as on saturday was THE RED BULL SOAP BOX DERBY in SAN FRANCISCO ... Great Times! On saturday morning i headed to Michaela's (another German friend from work) house for breakfast. Bread rolls, scrambled egg, ham, turkey, tomatoes (toe-matt-toes as opposed to toe-may-toes) and cheeeeeeesy and Orange Juice too...but then we headed to Delores Park where the Race was to begin. MASSES of people! I couldnt believe the amount of people there. So many people at this park. We heard an announcement that there was an estimated 60,000 people...then 75,000 and then i heard someone say there was like 100,000 or somethin i couldnt believe it! ANYWAY, The Red Bull Soap Box race is where people build there own little go-karts so to speak...there were 36 teams that made it into the competition and they Race down Delores St. Before they start the race they must perform a 'skit' so to speak so they would have there 'go-kart' and be in costume to match it. They then get marked on 3 things.
- Speed (The amount of time from the top to the bottom)
- Creativity (The amount of effort in there car and costume)
- Showmanship (The performance of the team...the skit etc)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Blue Angels Fleet Week San Francisco
Lets start with... I love this place? I hada great 'Weekend' I got off work at around quarter to 5 on Saturday and got my hair cut. I wanted to go somewhere a little bit cheap so i asked around... Supercuts seemed to be the one to go for a cheap and less expensive hair cut than last time ... 20 bucks :/ and she wasn't gentle with my hair... she just got tore into it like *insert your own teen slasher horror movie character from the 80s in here* anyway...after about 2 hours whining bout how i hated my hair (its a tradition) i've come to terms with it... i like it now :) so... i had a power nap...and got ready to go out and parrrrrrrdy...i went to an Irish Pub called Irish Bank and i
made a friend :D wooohoooo... Dean... he's a cool guy... we're headin out to party this weekend too hopefully...its tough week this tired and its only tuesday :/ but i've got partying to look forward to and the Red Bull Soap Box race on Saturday. But i'll come back to that in a we got more beers and all headed back to Dean's he lived far away so we got a cab...and the cab driver was the coolest ever... ANYWAY we watch tv and theres the American version of Kath and Kim with Selma Blair as Kim, i forget the girl who plays Kath is... but you cannot Americanize Kath and Kim... that's all i can say... well i also think it was rubbish... completely crap...but then i passed out drunk.

So.... it was then sunday... and i made my way to Fisherman's Wharf, it was fleet week in San Francisco, where all the sailors and guys from the navy and stuff from the sea come to different cities for a week. Also there where air shows so i got to see the Blue Angels...i guess theyre americas version of the Red Arrows...they performed alot of stunts etc... it was cool it was a cracker day check out the pics below...
So, damn working in San Francisco is tough, theres too much going on...This weeks gonna be long ...4 early shifts in a row...the past 2 nights ive done some over time...worked 11 hours i came out just after the time i was spose today and i'm in a cafe, using there
wifi with a relaxing beer...its music...chillin out for my 3rd early shift this week tomorrow...ROLL ON FRIDAY :) gonna go party then... Red Bull Soap Box Race on Saturday...where people build there own Go Kart so to speak and race down a track...fastest time wins i guess... Should be going with Michaela from work. I'm super stoked :) Until then...
wifi with a relaxing beer...its music...chillin out for my 3rd early shift this week tomorrow...ROLL ON FRIDAY :) gonna go party then... Red Bull Soap Box Race on Saturday...where people build there own Go Kart so to speak and race down a track...fastest time wins i guess... Should be going with Michaela from work. I'm super stoked :) Until then...
Friday, October 10, 2008
Livin' for the Weekend...
Alright its Friday chilling in a coffee shop...with my Lemon Rose Tea, laptop and crumbs from a Snickerdoodle cookie which I just devowered...the net back at our crib is down...soooooo im here at Peet's Coffee shop just down the road...still lovin sf...well its the weekend(kinda) im working tomorrow...but its my last add on day...which means next week i have 2 days that'll be good but as of tomorrow gonna get some liquor into me...seems like too long and i need some alcohol into this blood stream of mine...
where i shall be who knows but I needa get my head showered...and pardy i'm off sunday...well :) lets just say i dont intend on staying too sober!
My battery died in the coffee shop :/ and there was no sockets for me to plug it after nume
rous attempts to fix the internet here in our room...i finally got it...woohooo...and we are here watching WWE Smackdown (used to be wwf back in the day and its still as fake and cheesy as ever!) for all you back there who used to watch it and don't anymore here are the updates...WWE still has all the favourites, Big Show, The Hardy Boyz, amongst some other randoms who I dunno...but...Triple H is still in there and he holds the WWE Championship belt...Chris currently the heavyweight champion...where he will be facing the #1 Contender, Batista, (who is currently my favourite) at Cyberslam...this months event I think...but the viewers get to vote for a Special Referee... they choose from Randy Orson (I haven't watched enough to know who he is), Shawn Michaels(yeah, the Heart Break Kid from way back) and the ONE AND ONLY... STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN! IM like yesssssss you crazy americans better pick up yer phones... 'And thats the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so!' Ha I love it...anyway... back to real life...i got the early shift tomorrow so its late...and im gonna wrap this post up...peace out...
where i shall be who knows but I needa get my head showered...and pardy i'm off sunday...well :) lets just say i dont intend on staying too sober!
My battery died in the coffee shop :/ and there was no sockets for me to plug it after nume

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Love is Free - and so is San Francisco's sexual culture
Ok on Friday, Chrissi, Ali and I decided to take Extranomical's Sex in the City tour as there where free seats on the was fun...learning about some cool stuff about the city and some stories which were funny...'A Cable Car Named Desire' to be one...of course there where alot of more 'highlights' on the tour but this is for all to read i wont go into all the gory can use your own imagination! HAHA...
Anyway moving onto Saturday...its Lovefest...kind of like the love parade in Germany...only in Love fest is in San was the third year of it...basically its a lot of floats and stuff that go down market playing house and dance music...finishing up at Civic center...the parade started at 12pm and then when they reach civic center...they carry on and its one crazy party until doesn't end move to the after parties (clubs) but unfortunately I was I met up with Chrissi after work and partied for a little while it was was free...thats what i love about the city...youre never bored!!! Check out the pics :)
By the way...right now...theres a homeless guy right next to me...shouting and talking to himself...i wish i could understand him :( its scary yet hilarious at the same time...but picture this ...hes wearing a camo shirt...tanned quarter length trousers, curly hair and sunglasses(the tags still on there) LOL and then to him...its hilarious :S lol
Anyway moving onto Saturday...its Lovefest...kind of like the love parade in Germany...only in Love fest is in San was the third year of it...basically its a lot of floats and stuff that go down market playing house and dance music...finishing up at Civic center...the parade started at 12pm and then when they reach civic center...they carry on and its one crazy party until doesn't end move to the after parties (clubs) but unfortunately I was I met up with Chrissi after work and partied for a little while it was was free...thats what i love about the city...youre never bored!!! Check out the pics :)
By the way...right now...theres a homeless guy right next to me...shouting and talking to himself...i wish i could understand him :( its scary yet hilarious at the same time...but picture this ...hes wearing a camo shirt...tanned quarter length trousers, curly hair and sunglasses(the tags still on there) LOL and then to him...its hilarious :S lol
Monday, October 6, 2008
Only in San Francisco...
Ok I've said before theres always something going on here...and the past few weeks ive attended various fairs to experience stuff..and all i'm gonna say they where something theres alot of people reading this blog...i'm gonna keep it suitable for all ages...lets just say it was 'leather themed' so i'll skip the first fair and move to the second...on Sunday (5th) i went to Castro St was cool...learning alot of history about SF and hangin out with a beer...and with lots of entertainment i had fun...check out the pics below...and by the way...the mad hatter tea party guy in the middle...had glitter lots of it!(i hate glitter...i fear it!)

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