Sunday, July 26, 2009

You've been here 11 and a half months and you haven't been on the cable car?

Yep the title says it all... I'd been here so long... and I hadn't been on the cable car yet...whats the big deal ... I was here for a year... living ... i wasn't a tourist... the end is approaching so now its time to cram all the touristy stuffs in :) So I took a ride on the cable car! I went with Justine and oooooooooh what a fun day we had. There are two cable cars in San Francisco... the one were all the tourists get on and there's a huge ass line which goes up Powell St. Then there's the one that goes along California... where there is no line for waiting. PERFECT! So our little day started there... we hopped on the cable car and headed along California and I stood of the side too of course... and it landed us at market st. We head towards the Ferry Building and we find a Ben and Jerry's stand - giving away ice cream - HA I don't hate it... We eat our 'Flipped out' ice cream then head to the ferry building where there's like a little market stores pretty neat... then we decide to walk towards a little park called Levi plaza where we hung out had a little chat about life and what not...then Justine tells me that there is a Levi's office (Yes, the jeans) and says that its got an exhibition... I'm like LETS DO IT so we did...and it was cool lots of Levi's history kinda like a little Levi's museum ... (yes about the jeans) After that we went to china town had a walk around before heading home for nap nap. Check out the photos!

Friday, July 17, 2009

You can never step into the same river, new waters always flow on to you

Today I grew a set and went White Water Rafting... Basically it's the dogs balls. I'd never done this before. Banana Boating, yes. Canoeing, yes. White water rafting was something else. I was excited, then you sign the liability release forms where the first line reads 'You are aware that you may die' ... Luckily I brought spare undies...

I took the tour with Extranomical Adventures, with Curt as the tour guide ... we headed to a place just outside Sacramento called, Camola? I forget the spelling ... but anyway the rafting was on the South Fork of the American River and this was lead by American White Water, which was OFF THEE HOOK! Our raft guide was called Patrick, he got us down those rapids easily... he knew what he was talkin about and told pretty cool stories from the Gold Rush period - (I'm not gonna go on but it's the times of Cowboy's and Indian's and they used to look for gold along the river)... Anyway some of the rapids names where a little bit 'intense' for a better word for example one was called 'Meat Grinder'. The last rapid was the best... 'Trouble Maker' where some pretty cool photos where taken. They're below... see if ya can find me! This was probably a one of the highlights of my year... I got lucky that Extranomical was running this tour!! Thanks Extranomical!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


I never new how to play poker... I 'played' once before... when I say 'played' I had a few too many drinks, and was relying on my 'team-mates' to help me out... I was put out first, I took it upon myself to play some poker.

There was about six of us here (Vantaggio Family) playing in the kitchen (about 3 of which knew how to play) with my new choice of drink (Bacardi) in one hand and my cards in the other I was ready to hold em, Texas style... I didn't win but I held up pretty good and was feeling a little buzz from the drinking at the end. Check out some of the pictures.

Sayonara Maia Ito

One of my bestest buds here at the Vantaggio, Turk St left us... she headed back to Japan for bigger and brighter things reflecting her personality of course. When you see Maia she brightens your day, lifts your spirits and she doesn't even have to try.

I'll see you in Japan Maia!!

Scottie xox