Alrite Dave n I are moving to Vantaggio tomorrow but we are working...our belongings needed to be moved right now...its all being stored in Chrissi's(a work colleague)room whos staying in Vantaggio too. Thanks for that Chrissi :) ...and as we were moving our stuff...its roasting outside btw...we see Valerie...walking up...surprised at the shear chance of seeing her...we(Valerie, Ya Ching, Dave and I) go for lunch in a chinese...i get Kungpao i asked Ya Ching wat it was and she said it was a little bit i like spicy it comes, all colourful with carrots, zuchini etc and i take a few spoonfuls...and its a little bit spicy and ican handle thing...its i thought my tongue was on fire...thats what it felt like...and i said to Ya Ching that it was more than a little bit spicy...and i ask her...wat the red things where...'oh we dont eat them'... of course i'd just only gone and eaten a dried chilli...THE WHOLE THING...after numorous gulps of water i could eat again...tho i couldnt really taste it...but i ate anyway...
I split from the others...saying farewells to Valerie and headed for the park...i read and i think my face is a little read...but there was another concert thing on...there always seems to be was a Brazillian concert...was cool chilling and reading and sleeping...i start at 7 tomorrow so its good night from me...
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Sitting on the dock of the bay....
Today I took a stroll to The Embarcadero. The Embarcadero is the eastern waterfront roadway of the Port of San Francisco. I walked the whole way from one end to the other viewing all the piers and boats ending up in Fishermans Wharf...the weather was nice, so i enjoyed the could say its the Blackpool of San Francisco? Touristy and stuff...was nice had a clean atmosphere and alot of little shops ..there was one of those antique shops, that sell likes of signed movie posters and plaques and stuff and there was a LEFT HANDED SHOP (thought this was funny.. im not left handed so i hope no ones offended)...they also had a Bubba Gump Shrimp(but thats old news now)...but then i heard clapping and this voice over a speaker...there was some kinda show i walked towards it and it was this little stage where this girl was acting and stuff...and there was 2 ppl from the audience up there...she was hilarious...she was a street can see the video ive put together of her... i carried on with my where i could see Alcatraz(Just about) was foggy out there...couldnt really see it :( booohooo same with the Golden Gate Bridge...could only see the top of i carried on round passed the sea lions(or seals) sunbathing...back onto the road...and theres break dancers...which were cool i guess...i got them on vid i walk on up and theres only JOHNNY ROCKETS burger joint place thingy...but i dont have enough cash (i had 10 bucks)so i keep walking for a wells fargo or an ATM ... no 4 or 5 blocks up the road... IN AND OUT! Amazing(another fast food which i could afford with the money in my pocket) fed and watered...i decided to head home...up leavenworth...on my journey home i pass lombard street(the windycrooked one)...i didnt take a pic tho cos 1 i was on the phone...and 2 ... i know i'll see it watch this space :) mannnnnnnn was this a long walk home...up and down hills...burnin off my dinner...and wow am i tired...was considering a movie but think i'll leave that til tomorrow night maybe...we move on sunday/ gotta get ready for times...anyway enjoy the pics vids...peace out


7:35 PM
Golden Gate Bridge,
Johnny Rockets,
Left Handed Shop

Monday, August 25, 2008
Kiss me 'Honey Honey' Kiss me this moment in time im having a late dinner in Honey Honey Cafe...its got this incredibly fast(free of course) wi fi connection so im uploadin to bebo like a mother...
today was a tough day...i was stressed a little bit...paniked a bit with the phones and stuff but it was all starting to get used to it...cant wait to sleep im so tired... not a long post this time but at least i found free fast wifi ... so i'll come back sometime when ive somethin major to talk about...
today was a tough day...i was stressed a little bit...paniked a bit with the phones and stuff but it was all starting to get used to it...cant wait to sleep im so tired... not a long post this time but at least i found free fast wifi ... so i'll come back sometime when ive somethin major to talk about...
Friday, August 22, 2008
This week in a nut shell...
Ok...The past week in a nut shell...
Monday - SES San Jose
Today I was at the Search Engine Strategies conference, in San of REALLY smart people...i understood some of what they where sayin but most of i had nooooooooo clue. It had various sessions with discussions on Optimizing search engine results and reducing the bounce rate on sites(not important if you don't understand :P) etc so I learned alot. Met a few cool people...not from SF im still on the hunt for friends... :/
Tuesday - Google Party!
OMG...AMAZING ... we went to Googleplex...(HQ) for a special glow in the dark dance i still cant believe how amazing Googleplex is...anyway with beer on tap...for free alllllllll night...and welll they arnt that smart up there at google...thats all im sayin...with free food, free beer, free amazing glow in the dark tshirts, this amazing pick n mix set up, video arcades...everything...they had a rock band...thing where you could go sign up and go on stage and play rockband lol...of course extranomical got up...tho i was the 'Photographer' (at my own accord)...they went out within like a minute ...but they rocked. Google's like geek heaven? If you seen this place you'd wanna work there...geek or not...and the ride back to the mini bus was amazing...if you didnt have bicycles to ride you round campus...and well...we all took a ride on the bicycles back to the a beer in my hand and steering the bike with one hand...i pretty much had it under slow the bike down... you gotta pedal backwards!...course not realising and in a state of panic...i almost went into the sprinklers...bad beer spilt tho...good times... :)

Wednesday - Planes, Trains and Automobiles
So trip advisor...the travel search place..were hosting a screening of Planes trains and union sq...for free! It was class the place was packed the crowds where huge...but basically i love this film and it was really cool to experience it with soooooo many different people...though the lady behind me kept talkin crap... :/ but it was awesome...
Thursday...nothing exciting happened this day...tho it was my second day of the morning shift...'7am - 4am' is the scheduled shift...tho i stayed to almost 6 it was so hectic...the americans and their long hours lol...grrrrr...but yeh im answering phones and stuff so im gettin used to some of it... :) off work ... sitting in the park...chillin about to go read my book and catch a few rays for a few times i love it...on my way up to this internet point...a lady named Natalie commented on my shirt (my Wierd Al 'White and Nerdy' One)...and we chatted for a wee bit...she was cool...looks like im making friends? well its progess...time to go read and see if i can make some friends :D
Monday - SES San Jose
Today I was at the Search Engine Strategies conference, in San of REALLY smart people...i understood some of what they where sayin but most of i had nooooooooo clue. It had various sessions with discussions on Optimizing search engine results and reducing the bounce rate on sites(not important if you don't understand :P) etc so I learned alot. Met a few cool people...not from SF im still on the hunt for friends... :/
Tuesday - Google Party!
OMG...AMAZING ... we went to Googleplex...(HQ) for a special glow in the dark dance i still cant believe how amazing Googleplex is...anyway with beer on tap...for free alllllllll night...and welll they arnt that smart up there at google...thats all im sayin...with free food, free beer, free amazing glow in the dark tshirts, this amazing pick n mix set up, video arcades...everything...they had a rock band...thing where you could go sign up and go on stage and play rockband lol...of course extranomical got up...tho i was the 'Photographer' (at my own accord)...they went out within like a minute ...but they rocked. Google's like geek heaven? If you seen this place you'd wanna work there...geek or not...and the ride back to the mini bus was amazing...if you didnt have bicycles to ride you round campus...and well...we all took a ride on the bicycles back to the a beer in my hand and steering the bike with one hand...i pretty much had it under slow the bike down... you gotta pedal backwards!...course not realising and in a state of panic...i almost went into the sprinklers...bad beer spilt tho...good times... :)
Wednesday - Planes, Trains and Automobiles
So trip advisor...the travel search place..were hosting a screening of Planes trains and union sq...for free! It was class the place was packed the crowds where huge...but basically i love this film and it was really cool to experience it with soooooo many different people...though the lady behind me kept talkin crap... :/ but it was awesome...
Thursday...nothing exciting happened this day...tho it was my second day of the morning shift...'7am - 4am' is the scheduled shift...tho i stayed to almost 6 it was so hectic...the americans and their long hours lol...grrrrr...but yeh im answering phones and stuff so im gettin used to some of it... :) off work ... sitting in the park...chillin about to go read my book and catch a few rays for a few times i love it...on my way up to this internet point...a lady named Natalie commented on my shirt (my Wierd Al 'White and Nerdy' One)...and we chatted for a wee bit...she was cool...looks like im making friends? well its progess...time to go read and see if i can make some friends :D
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Got any Halle Berry Donuts?
Alright, so i went to my first concert last night! I did it...for those of you who didnt know... i set myself the goal of making it to a concert this year...well i did...and i went to see Wierd Al Yankovic at San Mateo County Fair. We (Adam, Valerie, Dave and I) took the caltrain to Hayward and walked to the expo times were was like a carnival outside with the concert being inside the hall. Ferris wheels and not coconut shys but similar galore. Was cool...The concert was excellent...extremely funny and very entertaining. He played Eat it(MJ-Beat is parody) and the ebay many more of course...he's a LEGEND. I put a little video of the concert together for ya all to have a look at. Sorry bout the shaky hand and if the quality aint great but yeh ive moaned about this connection to the internet before. headin to the park to read and chill out :)

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Christian The Lion
Ok so today in work...Ali, had asked me if i had seen the video on youtube...I thought it was gonna be this crazy super funny video...turns wasn't after i watched it. It made me think of you i know im only here for a year and its not really that long...but i just thought of everyone back home...i'll not forget ya all and not a day goes by i dont think about you here the vid. Peace out
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Learning is what most adults will do for a living in the 21st century
Ok so this weekend was class and i got a tan :) (farmers)
Alright so my last day of work this week, was a little bit more action packed...i started something other than websites...the dreaded was fine...dave worked on the image thingy and i reworked some old js...was hard at first but i got there. It had to generate a voucher that the user put in so it could then be printed. I got it in the end. :) Went home then hit the movies....PINEAPPLE EXPRESS...AMAZIN if you like superbad i totally recommend it...if not then i dont...its a stoner movie prepared but watch for James Franco he's hilarious in it. so that was friday home...stayed up quite late watchin tv...sleep
Dave went to Santa Cruz today, i wasn't up for it so i hung back and chilled...i had to sort some stuff at the bank then i went for a walk towards Castro and Haight. That place is different...Haight is so peaceful. I stopped at Duboce park and read my book. It was sunny but a bit windy. There were sooooooo many people with there dogs it was fun. I had my map and people where asking if i knew where i was going and stuff it was nicer than downtown sf. Seemed like a family place to live...though people keep saying that there are 12% kids in San Francisco? Everyone has dogs.
There's a movie theatre that shows old movies...amazing much? they were showing labyrinth...AMAZING MUCH?? i wasn't up for going but i grabbed a leaflet with the times of future shows etc.
I went for my dinner and had amazing shepherds pie not as good as my mums tho(nothing ever is). The waiter gave me this paper...called 'The Onion'. Adam had spoke of it. Its a satire newspaper...funny though. I read in it that in union square they were showing Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. I WAS LIKE COOOOOOOOOOOOOOL i walked back to downtown after dinner and went to union sq and the movie was starting...but i was too tired so i just headed up home and watched some tv and chilled before snoozing off.
Today was spose to be a non eventful day but turns out it wasn't
My original plan..go hang at the mall with the hope that the wi-fi would be fast enough there for me to blog some more pictures...turns out there is no wi-fi...The 'Metreon' have free wi-fi so i walk...and i decide to go into Old Navy as i pass...i find 2 t-shirts...both with 50% off lowest ticket it was like 5 bucks for the 2 of i went to metreon...wifi wouldnt conect...bummer so i tried going to the next floor up...and sat out in the balcony...almost had it but couldnt be bothered...but as i sat out in the balcony of this place...i hear music? i look over and theres masssssses of people in Yerba Buena Park...turns out its Pistahan Festival...
A festival of Filipino culture and cuisine. There was Filipino Music, Food loads of stands promoting i sat in the grass and read my book and lay in the sun listening to the music and watching the shows...all day pretty much it was nice...the weather was fantastic...sun beaming...i got a nice farmers tan...i done a few groceries had homemade mango ice cream and headed back up home.
So that was my weekend...Dave came home...we went and had some Mexican food YUMMEE i love it...another week at work...Monday to Thursday off Friday and Saturday... got Adam's leaving party and Dave and I's arrival do on i'll get to you about that later in the week...for now... i bid you good night
Alright so my last day of work this week, was a little bit more action packed...i started something other than websites...the dreaded was fine...dave worked on the image thingy and i reworked some old js...was hard at first but i got there. It had to generate a voucher that the user put in so it could then be printed. I got it in the end. :) Went home then hit the movies....PINEAPPLE EXPRESS...AMAZIN if you like superbad i totally recommend it...if not then i dont...its a stoner movie prepared but watch for James Franco he's hilarious in it. so that was friday home...stayed up quite late watchin tv...sleep
Dave went to Santa Cruz today, i wasn't up for it so i hung back and chilled...i had to sort some stuff at the bank then i went for a walk towards Castro and Haight. That place is different...Haight is so peaceful. I stopped at Duboce park and read my book. It was sunny but a bit windy. There were sooooooo many people with there dogs it was fun. I had my map and people where asking if i knew where i was going and stuff it was nicer than downtown sf. Seemed like a family place to live...though people keep saying that there are 12% kids in San Francisco? Everyone has dogs.
There's a movie theatre that shows old movies...amazing much? they were showing labyrinth...AMAZING MUCH?? i wasn't up for going but i grabbed a leaflet with the times of future shows etc.
I went for my dinner and had amazing shepherds pie not as good as my mums tho(nothing ever is). The waiter gave me this paper...called 'The Onion'. Adam had spoke of it. Its a satire newspaper...funny though. I read in it that in union square they were showing Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. I WAS LIKE COOOOOOOOOOOOOOL i walked back to downtown after dinner and went to union sq and the movie was starting...but i was too tired so i just headed up home and watched some tv and chilled before snoozing off.
Today was spose to be a non eventful day but turns out it wasn't
My original plan..go hang at the mall with the hope that the wi-fi would be fast enough there for me to blog some more pictures...turns out there is no wi-fi...The 'Metreon' have free wi-fi so i walk...and i decide to go into Old Navy as i pass...i find 2 t-shirts...both with 50% off lowest ticket it was like 5 bucks for the 2 of i went to metreon...wifi wouldnt conect...bummer so i tried going to the next floor up...and sat out in the balcony...almost had it but couldnt be bothered...but as i sat out in the balcony of this place...i hear music? i look over and theres masssssses of people in Yerba Buena Park...turns out its Pistahan Festival...
A festival of Filipino culture and cuisine. There was Filipino Music, Food loads of stands promoting i sat in the grass and read my book and lay in the sun listening to the music and watching the shows...all day pretty much it was nice...the weather was fantastic...sun beaming...i got a nice farmers tan...i done a few groceries had homemade mango ice cream and headed back up home.
So that was my weekend...Dave came home...we went and had some Mexican food YUMMEE i love it...another week at work...Monday to Thursday off Friday and Saturday... got Adam's leaving party and Dave and I's arrival do on i'll get to you about that later in the week...for now... i bid you good night
9:09 PM
Castro Duboce park,
Pineapple express,

Thursday, August 7, 2008
Follow the yellow piss stained brick road...
Hmm so settling rightly in work...still taking everything in ... with difficulty i guess but i've jus been working on one of Rodrigo's tour websites for him...nothin too insane YET... but yeh tomorrow...TFI saturday and sunday...gonna go see the sights myself i think go for a walk and see things way to experience today...when we were walking home from was myself, Dave, Adam...the intern from last year,(whos leaving in a few weeks to go back to UUJ for final year), and another dude from Turkey called Ali...(hope thats spelt right)took a detour home from work and decided to go to we'd been warned of it and what the neighbourhood was about...crack on streets etc...meh...yeh they do...its crazy...and theres alot of homeless people which is sad then we came to the bottom of Jones, which is the street that we live on tho we dont live down here...(Thank God) and starting headin up(we're still in Tenderloin at this point)it was right outside this park...and theres cars parked in the street...and dogs pee against car tires everywhere right?...well in the Tenderloin...people do...NICE...this dudes just pissing against a car...SICK...i was like w.t.f. MATE...and jus when i thought i'd seen it all? we pass this street where there are MASSES of crack dealers on the street...nuts...jus openingly selling...but thats not it...HA this next bits hilarious! We pass this dude...he seemed to maybe be no younger than 35 but no older than 45...and he looked like a homeless person but the 'lady' he was chatting o seemed dressed too fancy to be we continued walking up to pass them and she turns and she says to us 'Ummm where you boys been all my life?' as we pass...she feels daves ass...well when i say feel...we think she was probably tryin to pick pocket him...but still...dave felt ever so violated. rather him than me...but yeh the past few days have been rough...I mean some places we've been for food have been gross...lunch today was probably the was funny it was cliche american diner ... the old dude with the paper...the 2 mexicans one with hood up...then some big trucker lady, with pig tails, dungerese, tattoos, and some sort of moustache strolls in and pounces on the stool...she like stepped right over it was funny. So thats so far...i'll keep you posted as to how i get on this weekend :D
Adios Amigos
Adios Amigos
9:08 PM
Cliche american diner,
Pick Pocket,
Poor Dave,
Trucker lady,

Sunday, August 3, 2008
Friday, August 1, 2008
I'm Mr opportunity, and I'm knockin'
Ok so I had my first day on the was fun..everyone in the office is cooooool...long day tho, i worked 8am until 5pm and it was so long but everyones so nice its alot easier. They have a pet dog(Bob)..well i think it's Ralph's but he brings him to work. It was good, first task is to build a website for winecountrytours...its fun...tho its not like university... Been doin alot of training with the phones and bookings though its all goin in one ear and out the other there is so much to take in. So hopefully i'll get used to things...Phones have been going non stop in the office as its a busy time of the year. I'm in work tomorrow and off Sunday. I'm gonna go chill and watch tv...adios
Scottie :)
Scottie :)
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