Today I took a stroll to The Embarcadero. The Embarcadero is the eastern waterfront roadway of the Port of San Francisco. I walked the whole way from one end to the other viewing all the piers and boats ending up in Fishermans Wharf...the weather was nice, so i enjoyed the could say its the Blackpool of San Francisco? Touristy and stuff...was nice had a clean atmosphere and alot of little shops ..there was one of those antique shops, that sell likes of signed movie posters and plaques and stuff and there was a LEFT HANDED SHOP (thought this was funny.. im not left handed so i hope no ones offended)...they also had a Bubba Gump Shrimp(but thats old news now)...but then i heard clapping and this voice over a speaker...there was some kinda show i walked towards it and it was this little stage where this girl was acting and stuff...and there was 2 ppl from the audience up there...she was hilarious...she was a street can see the video ive put together of her... i carried on with my where i could see Alcatraz(Just about) was foggy out there...couldnt really see it :( booohooo same with the Golden Gate Bridge...could only see the top of i carried on round passed the sea lions(or seals) sunbathing...back onto the road...and theres break dancers...which were cool i guess...i got them on vid i walk on up and theres only JOHNNY ROCKETS burger joint place thingy...but i dont have enough cash (i had 10 bucks)so i keep walking for a wells fargo or an ATM ... no 4 or 5 blocks up the road... IN AND OUT! Amazing(another fast food which i could afford with the money in my pocket) fed and watered...i decided to head home...up leavenworth...on my journey home i pass lombard street(the windycrooked one)...i didnt take a pic tho cos 1 i was on the phone...and 2 ... i know i'll see it watch this space :) mannnnnnnn was this a long walk home...up and down hills...burnin off my dinner...and wow am i tired...was considering a movie but think i'll leave that til tomorrow night maybe...we move on sunday/ gotta get ready for times...anyway enjoy the pics vids...peace out
Try going the other way down Embarcadero. There's Cupids bow and arrow there!