Monday - SES San Jose
Today I was at the Search Engine Strategies conference, in San of REALLY smart people...i understood some of what they where sayin but most of i had nooooooooo clue. It had various sessions with discussions on Optimizing search engine results and reducing the bounce rate on sites(not important if you don't understand :P) etc so I learned alot. Met a few cool people...not from SF im still on the hunt for friends... :/
Tuesday - Google Party!
OMG...AMAZING ... we went to Googleplex...(HQ) for a special glow in the dark dance i still cant believe how amazing Googleplex is...anyway with beer on tap...for free alllllllll night...and welll they arnt that smart up there at google...thats all im sayin...with free food, free beer, free amazing glow in the dark tshirts, this amazing pick n mix set up, video arcades...everything...they had a rock band...thing where you could go sign up and go on stage and play rockband lol...of course extranomical got up...tho i was the 'Photographer' (at my own accord)...they went out within like a minute ...but they rocked. Google's like geek heaven? If you seen this place you'd wanna work there...geek or not...and the ride back to the mini bus was amazing...if you didnt have bicycles to ride you round campus...and well...we all took a ride on the bicycles back to the a beer in my hand and steering the bike with one hand...i pretty much had it under slow the bike down... you gotta pedal backwards!...course not realising and in a state of panic...i almost went into the sprinklers...bad beer spilt tho...good times... :)
Wednesday - Planes, Trains and Automobiles
So trip advisor...the travel search place..were hosting a screening of Planes trains and union sq...for free! It was class the place was packed the crowds where huge...but basically i love this film and it was really cool to experience it with soooooo many different people...though the lady behind me kept talkin crap... :/ but it was awesome...
Thursday...nothing exciting happened this day...tho it was my second day of the morning shift...'7am - 4am' is the scheduled shift...tho i stayed to almost 6 it was so hectic...the americans and their long hours lol...grrrrr...but yeh im answering phones and stuff so im gettin used to some of it... :) off work ... sitting in the park...chillin about to go read my book and catch a few rays for a few times i love it...on my way up to this internet point...a lady named Natalie commented on my shirt (my Wierd Al 'White and Nerdy' One)...and we chatted for a wee bit...she was cool...looks like im making friends? well its progess...time to go read and see if i can make some friends :D
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Hey thanks for the comment guys...i gotta review the shizzle first so it'll not appear for a bit :)
Scottie :)