Friday, August 14, 2009

Come on babe, why don't we paint the town...

Well I went to New York City yesterday in the hope of catching a Broadway show. There's a booth in Times Square called 'Tkts Booth' which gives discount tickets to the shows. Only catch is you have to wait until the day of the performance. We didn't care. So Tim drove to Trenton, New Jersey and we caught the train from there to NYC. We arrived in NYC around 12/1PM and made our way to the booth. We're walking through Times Square (which is choc-a-block with people), and there was lots of people advertising for all the performances on Broadway, handing out flyer's and what not. I originally wanted to see Avenue Q however it woulda cost a hundred bucks with the Tkts Booth, second choice was Chicago. In terms of cost of tickets, Chicago had a the better deal. However with Tkts Booth it would have cost 100 bucks too. One of the flyer's i had was for Chicago where you could get orchestra seats for 70. So we got those seats. And where set for Chicago at 8pm.

I had been to New York before and have done all the sight seeing before so, after lunch, Tim and I just went to a few bars had a few beers. It was fun. Before we new it, it was 6:30pm so we made our way back to Times Square for the show. It was amazing. A great performance. The show finished at around 10:30, and we wandered around times square for about thirty minutes, got an Ice Cream before heading back for the train. The train was wayyyyyyyy slow, we ended up getting to Philly at around 2:30AM... passed out. Anyway it was an excellent day and the photo's are below :)

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Hey thanks for the comment guys...i gotta review the shizzle first so it'll not appear for a bit :)

Scottie :)