Obama has been elected President... and the place went NUTS! Love it... I'm not one for politics at ALL, but I was excited... I ended up staying a little late in work and i was just listening to the radio and i was all excited...American's made it out to be a sport... it was like the olympics HA... but I heard there was a huge party/rally in Castro... for 'No on Proposition 8'... which debated on whether same sex marriage should be banned or not... INSANE... people climbing buildings... and dancing to the music... it was alot of fun...though I work the next day...so i couldn't party on a school night... especially if i started at 7 :/ anyway...after work i went to Ron's watched the rest of the election results...then headed for dinner...after dinner we were walkin down the street and theyre is HUGE crowds cheering and what not outside a bar...they're watching Obama's victory...I was like wow...the passion these guys here had for Obama was insane... It's so cool to be here in the USA and experience a part of something which will be remembered by all... The elect of the first African-American President... It was cool as :)
Like everything else...there were Parodies leading up to the election...comical images, videos and websites... I was shown this website and I was hooked on it... i couldnt stop going on there and clicking... building up to the election...they kept updating and making more things clickable... it has Palin sitting in the presidential chair and you could click everywhere and you'd here her stupid quotes and crap that she talked...'Joe 6-Pack' and 'Joe the Chair' are to name a few... check it out .. Palin As President.
As Barack Obama won the election and is now President of the Unite States this is how the site looks now... Barack As President.

Anyway, im gonna shoot on here, back home for a beer and movie I think...catch you guys later this week hopefully...
that dancing with the stars photo is a comedic work of art