Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween in Frisco!...Part 1

I had evening shift tonight (Thursday 30th) and I also have it tomorrow night (Friday October 31st Halloween Night :D ). And well i left my halloween costume extremely late...i just got it tonight...i left work at around 8 ... waited for about 20 mins on the to Van Ness where i would rush to walgreens and get some sort of costume before it closed at 9...8:45 im racing up van ness to get to walgreens to get this last make up pack on the shelf ... SUCCESS :) so its this ice make up...was only 6 bucks... cheap compared to what you would pay at halloween should look the moment we're goin to halloween at the castro...however its not at castro. Last year they closed it for some crazy reason...but its in ATT Park thats where we are'll be crazy coming home from work tomorrow night...the calls will be transfered to my cellphone and i'll be getting ready...hopefully the phones aren't that until then :)

1 comment:

Hey thanks for the comment guys...i gotta review the shizzle first so it'll not appear for a bit :)

Scottie :)